HSE (Health, Safety and Environment)
- Endeavor to create job, continuous employment opportunityand financial security for employees, directors, consultants andother business associates.
- Create a fund under company's social responsibilities toprovide financial assistance to charitable and socio-culturalorganization engaged in development activities.
- Employ skilled man power to produce quality products as perIndian and international standard procedure, to thesatisfaction of customers and ultimate users.
- Establish customer feedback system for continuousimprovement of product quality
- Establish procedures for Job safety analysis, tool box meeting,hazard observation and mitigation plan in place for everyindividual scope.
- To achieve “NIL” time loss due to facility break down /personnel injury
- Employ preventive maintenance for the plant and machineriesto avoid facilities breakdown.
- Use only quality raw material and to follow quality test
- Procedure for the unfinished and finished products.
- Proper Documentation of every procedure, customerfeedback, action initiated and results.
- Continuous improvement of personnel skill and productknowledge through quality training and up to date informationsystem.